Song Structure, Analysis & Application, Melody, Music & Lyric Development, Recording.
Service Description
Emerging songwriters will learn about the generation of ideas and how to turn ideas into songs. Improve your lyrics, explore different song styles, get tips on co-writing, performance and recording, and learn how to engage the listener with all of your songs. You are invited to bring in your song lyrics for feedback. You will learn: Elements of a song Hit Song Structure & Forms Key to Hit Lyrics Key to Hit Melodies Chords & Groves Contrasting, Lyrics, Melody, Rhythm, Practical Exercises & Application APRA, Publishing, Splits, Royalties Individual Songwriting, Analysis Performance Individual songwriting Analysis One on One Sessions Performance Music Production & Recording Worktape
Cancellation Policy
If you are unable to make your session and give over 24 hours notice, Vocal & Artist Development Studios will provide you with the make-up session times that are available within a week after the session or a make-up session at the end of the current Term Period. Payment of the missed class is still required on the original session date for Students on a “pay as you go” (Weekly/Fortnightly) payment arrangement. Vocal & Artist Development Studios will provide a Tax Invoice for the balance of the full session amount for immediate Payment via Electronic Bank Transfer. If the session is not made up within the same Term, you will be charged for the missed session. If you fail to give over 24 hours notice of cancellation for a booked session, you will be charged for the full session amount. Note: 48 hours notice is required for any sessions over 1 hour.